Best Programming Languages for Hackers

  Which Programming are required to Hackers?

Every application or site you use is programmed in a particular computer language also known as Programming and people such as Hackers tries to hack it but to break anything first you need to understand and then exploit its weakness, same happens in Hacking, To actually hack anything first you'll have to understand target application but that understanding requires knowledge of Programming languages.

There are lots of computer languages but few are required for hacking purpose because in most cases it depends upon target. There are basically three sections ― Web Hacking, Exploit Writing & Reverse Engineering and each of it requires different coding.

1. Web Hacking

    2. Exploit Writing

Python: It is said that a Hacker must know Python because its the core for creating exploits and tools. Security experts and even pro hackers suggests us to master Python because it provides wider flexibility and can be used in many places.
Ruby: A simple but complicated object-oriented language. Ruby is very useful when it comes to exploit writing. It is used for meterpreter scripting and you may know that Metasploit framework itself is programmed in Ruby.

3. Reverse Engineering

Assembly: It's a low level but advance coding. One can instruct a machine hardware or software using it. If you're keen about Reverse Engineering then Assembly is going to be very helpful.


I mentioned seven languages but that's not all and nobody ever learn all of them 100% but you should know little bit of each as its essential but what matters here is only your target, If the app which you want to hack is coded in ASP then you'll need to know ASP. Do you think any other programming is essential for Hackers? if yes then please comment below.

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